Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello everybody!

It is already 6 weeks ago I left Marketing Mechanics. Even the time back home in the Netherlands is going fast, but I am still thinking back about my time in Sydney. I had an great internship and learned a lot. I didn’t only learned things about marketing, but also about the Australian culture and Sydney. I also learned a lot about my colleagues and specially about Andrew Costa. Andrew always made me smile and told a lot of stories, mostly about himself.

In the first weeks of my internship, everything was still new and I had to find my place at the office. Fortunately at the same day another intern started, Vicky also from the Netherlands. I had a lot of fun with her at the office and we help each other during our time at Marketing Mechanics. The last month of my internship another intern came at the office, also from the Netherlands. Because everything was still new for her, both at the office and in Sydney, we helped her as much as we could. I would recommend to future interns to help each other as much as you can. This will make your time in Australia better and more fun at the office.

In the weekends I spend most of my time traveling around Sydney and seeing as much as I can. I went to the hunter valleys, the Blue Mountains, Canberra, Port Stevens and much more. I also went on Surfcamp, that was my best weekend in Australia. I had an amazing weekend, met a lot of new people and made new friends. Unfortunately I didn’t had the time and money to travel to the east coast, but when I am coming back to Australia I will definitely go there. And of course I would visit Diane and the rest at Marketing Mechanics.

I had an amazing time at Marketing Mechanics and if I could go back, I definitely would! I wish them all the best and to all the new interns of Marketing Mechanics; Could luck and enjoy your time at Marketing Mechanics and in Australia!


My name is Julia Stark, I am from Germany and study Information management in Neu-Ulm, which is located in Bavaria. My studies are split in 3 different parts, information technology, economics and design. Last July I got the chance to study for one semester in Sydney, Australia at Mac Quarie University. I took 2 subjects, Public Relations and Organizational Planning. In addition I undertook an internship at Marketing Mechanics twice a week from 21.08.2007 until 31.10.2007 . At Marketing Mechanics I hade the chance to deepen my theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge. My main tasks were Website reviews, writing Marketing plans and designing different advertisement for their clients. I got the chance to see Marketing from a different angle. I am very glad getting to know the Australian working environment which is very different to the German one. People are very friendly, helpful and appreciate your work. I really enjoyed working with the Marketing Mechanics team and I will always remember them in a very positive way! End of January I will go back to Germany finishing my studies but I am sure that this wasn’t my last time in Australia! Thank you for your encouragement! I enjoyed a lot working in your team!